Erna at War
Dir H. R. Genz, prod B. Hald, N. S. Eidnes, dop J. Johansson 2020
The film is set in Jutland during World War I. Kalle is a childminded boy whose simplicity is so obvious that he would hardly be expected to be invited to enlist in the army. But things go differently and Kalle is mobilised. His mother Erna cannot accept it: no one wants to send their child to war, particularly if you’re afraid that your son cannot cope in his bliss-ful innocence. Thus, Erna decides to follow his son to protect him. He goes to war as Kalle’s mother, but becomes the a Mother-figure for many soldiers in the unit. And although surrounded by war and battlefields, Erna again discovers her inner Woman.

Dir J. Jürgens, prod K. Pütsep, dop E. Põllumaa 2020
Rain, the older brother of Ats, a 11-year old kid growing up in a small seaside town, returns to the family home, where their authoritarian father Kalju and a mother on the verge of losing love are waiting. Ats is witness to the clash of two men, a father and a brother, two stubborn men from different generations with different views of the world. When the father tries to push Rain, who has lost his stable ground, into the boundaries of his world, Rain finds instead hope in Aleksandra, a mysterious woman with a shady past.
Dir A. Aun, prod M. Rosmann-Lill, M. Masing, dop H. Sikka, A. Tammik 2018
"Eia's Christmas at Phantom Owl Farm" is about a 10-year-old girl Eia who, due to many coincidences, has to spend her Christmas break at a Southern-Estonian farm called Phantom Owl Farm. Little Eia has no idea that she would be the one to save the forest behind the farm from being cut down by a greedy forest manager, Raivo. Eia's arrival helps two young people find love and helps Eia find out her family's biggest secret.

Phantom Owl Farm
Dir K. Kokk, prod K. Kissa, dop M. Taniel, 2018
Somewhere in Estonia at the beginning of the 18th century. After ten years of war, plague and famine, the land is swept clean of people. The few remaining souls are scattered about, living in misery and lacking hope. An anxious silence hangs over the land

Dir R. Sarnet, prod K. Kissa, dop M. Taniel, 2016
Estonian pagan and European Christian mythologies come together in this film. Both mythologies look for a miracle; for an ancient force that gives one a soul. This film is about souls – longing for a soul, selling your soul, and living without a soul.
Dir T. Ruumet, prod M. Rosmann-Lill, S-T. Lill, 2016.
Süsimusta huumoriga vürtsitatud tragikomöödia “Päevad, mis ajasid segadusse” tegevus toimub 1990. aastate teises pooles. Filmi peategelane Allar (27) liigub ühelt südasuviselt Eestimaa peolt teisele, põrkudes kokku üha värvikamate tegelaste ja segasemate juhtumitega. Pingelised ja jaburad sündmused panevad Allari oma elu üle tõsiselt järele mõtlema ning ees ootab pöörane eneseotsing Eesti üheksakümnendates.
Dir T. Mustonen
Prod A. Hyvärinen
Dop D. Lindholm
In the Crosswind
Dir M. Helde
Prod P. Rünk
Dop E. Põllumaa
Dir T. Hussar
Prod P. Tibbo-Hudgins
Dop R. Kotov